I recently visited Ciudad Juarez in Mexico and I’d like to share my experience! This was my first time traveling outside of the United States and I had a blast. Juarez probably isn’t on the top of most people’s travel list, but it was close and cheap. Overall, the trip was a great way to “dip my toe in the water” of international travel without jumping completely in. I would have loved to have taken more pictures, however Juarez is not exactly the safest city in Mexico. I’ll talk about safety later on, but you don’t want to stand out anymore than you have to. Like most big cities, criminals target tourists for pickpocketing and other criminal activity.

Amazing Food
Mexico is known for their amazing food and Juarez certainly didn’t disappoint. The fruits and vegetables were fresh and full of color. Our first stop of the day was a carnitas joint in the market. The little restaurant had an open kitchen so you could see the cooks putting the meat onto the grill and shaving it off as it was ready. The carnitas were absolutely delicious! Before we left Mexico we also stopped by a for stand and got an Elote (Corn on the cob) as a snack.
The differences in freedom between the U.S. and Mexico was astounding. As Americans, we typically think of ourselves as being the freest people on the planet, and isn’t always true. We have a lot of freedoms on paper, but not in practice.
Medical Care
Take medical freedom for example. Medical care in Mexico is a fraction of the cost of the same care in the United States. The pharmacy’s in Mexico have antibiotics, de-wormers, cough syrups, and steroids available without any prescription. Simply being able to treat yourself quickly and cheaply is a freedom we can barely understand here in the U.S.

Safety in Juarez
As soon as I told anyone that I was planning trip to Juarez they would tell me to make sure that I wasn’t kidnapped by the cartel. Juarez has had a reputation for danger and cartel activity in the past, however things have calmed down considerably in recent years. That being said, you should always make wise traveling decisions. Do your best not to stand out, don’t flash money around, and stay away from the sketchier parts of town. I don’t care how nice a city is, there are simply places you shouldn’t go if you care about your wellbeing. Personally I felt safer visiting Juarez than I did in parts of California. The touristy areas are well patrolled by the police and military so stick around those areas if you choose to go.

Overall, I really enjoyed visiting Juarez from the perspective that it gave me. It is all to easy to assume that everyone else lives the same way that you do. In reality, there are many different ways of life. I’m looking forward to wading a little bit deeper into the waters of international travel! So if you have any recommendations on where I should go next, let me know! If you don’t have your passport yet, go get one, the world is getting crazier by the day and you never know when you just might need to go somewhere else.
Want to Travel?
Do you want more freedom? Do you love good food? Well checkout my podcast with Chris from Global Sovereignty solutions! Chris specializes in helping people acquire visas, second passports, and all things associated with international travel. His social media is always filled with great information as well, so go follow him!
It looks like a lot of fun and thanks for sharing.
It was a lot of fun! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!